North America’s Middle Market Investment Bank
M&A, Capital Raising, Restructuring, Merchant Banking.

Independent, conflict-free advice


Independent, conflict-free advice

As we are entirely focused on advisory services, we do not “cross sell” other products to clients.

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Experienced leadership


Experienced leadership

We are a team of senior executives with decades of experience in a range of sectors, organizations and transaction situations which allows us to bring the best solutions to clients in even the most challenging circumstances.

Meet our leaders

Dynamic insights


Dynamic insights

Relevant and thoughtful industry analysis and insights targeted to boards, executives and other industry professionals.

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Successful transactions


In completed transactions since inception


In capital raised for clients since inception

22 +

Managing Directors, each with a minimum of 20 years of experience

Top Ranked Independent Financial Advisory Firm

No. 6 in H/1 2023 Deal Value
No. 15 in H1/2023 Deal Volume


According to Mergermarket and Refinitiv Canadian League Tables

Deep and diversified expertise

We approach every engagement with our clients’ key objectives at the forefront and leverage our innovative thinking, deep sector knowledge and extensive transaction record to achieve results. Our expertise spans a broad range of core industries, including:

Client focused, without compromise

Our diverse experience and successful track record have been built on the principles of thoughtful, dynamic and unbiased advice with a recognition that every client, business and transaction situation is different and unique. Here are some recent transaction successes that demonstrate our ability to get results.
  • December 2024: Origin Merchant Partners acted as Financial Advisor to Softchoice Corporation on its sale to Worldwide Technologies Holding Co.
  • December 2024: Origin Merchant Partners Provided a Fairness Opinion to the Special Committee of Environmental Waste International on its proposed acquisition by Hydrotrux
  • December 2024: Origin Merchant Partners acted as Financial Advisor to Armstrong Monitoring on its Sale to Greystone Energy Systems

Our clients

We are always happy to have a conversation.